If you enjoy the free version, please check out the full version here on Google Play which contains lots of extra scenes and features including:
- The ability to pick and choose from your favourite scenes to display (Christmas Tree scene, Happy New Year scene, Countdown scene, Snow scene, Lanterns scene, Fireworks, Valentine’s Day, or any combination).
- A range of vibrant colour schemes.
- A colour cycling mode that sweeps through all the colours of the rainbow.
- Amazing 3D Fireworks!
- Choose your favourite camera angles and 3D animation fly-bys.
- Option to count down in either rounded-up days (the traditional days-to-Christmas method), or a fully accurate and nail-biting Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds method.
- Additional tree lights.
- Snowfall amount and speed.
- Display quality options for larger displays (tablets).
- Lots of performance options to run smoothly and save battery.
- Screen positioning and zoom options.
- Did we mention the amazing fireworks?
- New 32-bit colour mode for smoother colours on some devices.