Jolla Sailfish OS Appears in Video Demo

Jolla Mobile, the Finnish mobile startup has unveiled their new Sailfish OS with effortless and innovative User Interface (UI) as well as announcing a deal with ST-Ericsson to run the platform on its mobile chips, and a carrier deal at the Slush startup event in Finland.

The Sailfish OS is based on MeeGo operating system and will support smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, automotive and other device classes. The SDK consist of Mer Core’s tools, Qt Creator, Jolla UI components, Sailfish UI framework and Sailfish handset application interfaces.
Sailfish focuses on “effortless multitasking” with the ability to run multiple apps simultaneously and even interact with them directly from the homescreen view. It also attempts to cut down on the taps, swipes, and pulls involved in checking status updates and notifications, and promises easy compatibility with Android apps.

To see it for yourself, check out the official video below!
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